Physiotherapy Treatment & Prices

We are delighted to have moved to our new clinic location in Arena Business Centre, Poole on 5th June 2023. We look forward to welcoming you as a valued returning customer or a new patient for your Physiotherapy assessment and treatment. If you have any questions regarding your condition or your upcoming appointment please do not hesitate to contact Helen, Birchwood Physiotherapy Admin Manager by email at or text / call to 07817 550481

Our fully integrated clinic software ensures a smooth process from our first telephone call to sharing exercise plans and Physiotherapy reports, not to mention the handy auto email appointment reminders.


Initial Assessment & Treatment – 45 min / £70

Follow up appointments               – 30 min / £50

Extended appointments                – 60 min / £90

Virtual (call/video)                         – 45 min / £50

Virtual (call/video)                         – 30 min / £40

Massage, relaxing / deep tissue   – 30 min / £40

Home Visits                                      –  £100

Block Booked Discount

Block of 6 follow up sessions £260 (£40 discount in total)

Physiotherapy Treatment

At Birchwood Physiotherapy we provide a quality assured service which is underpinned by up to date research and clinical best practice measures. We believe in providing a service which not only expertly assesses, diagnoses and treats but also ensures our patients feel educated, empowered and knowledgeable as they progress on their path to full recovery. When treating an injury or condition our ethos is always to treat the whole person, making sure we take into account our patients’ general medical health and overall wellbeing.

We use a variety of techniques to reduce pain and inflammation, restore movement to stiff joints and muscles and return our patients to full fitness, including:

Spinal mobilisation and manipulation techniques

Kinetic control retraining / BeActivated Therapy

Soft tissue release / Muscle Energy Techniques

Strength and Conditioning Rehabilitation

Postural / Ergonomic Education



Running Gait Analysis

Kinesiology Taping / Sports Strapping

Chronic Pain Management

Sports Massage