
Physiotherapy can help to manage many hundreds of different musculoskeletal conditions.

Symptoms can be wide ranging but often include:

recurrent pain, stiff joints, swelling, inflammation, muscle weakness, dull aches and a loss of function.

They can affect any major area of your musculoskeletal system, including;

neck – shoulders – elbows – wrists – spine – hips – legs – knees – feet

If you have a question about your condition or injury that you would like us to answer, perhaps to see how Physiotherapy may help or to understand more about what the treatment would entail, please use this link which will go straight to one of our Physiotherapists who will get straight back to you.

You’ll find a few of the more common conditions outlined below.

Sciatica is the term for symptoms of pain, tingling, and numbness which arise from nerve root compression or irritation in the lumbosacral spine / lower back.

Symptoms of sciatica typically extend to below the knee — from the buttocks, across the back of the thigh, to the outer calf, and often to the foot and toes.

Low Back Pain – Up to 60% of the adult population can expect to have low back pain at some time in their life. A UK population-based cross-sectional study of 15,272 people aged 25 years and older found the 1-month period prevalence of low back pain to be 28.5%, peaking at age 41–50 years. Low back pain was reported by one in four people aged over 80 years. Different types of back pain have different management approaches. Pain relief, exercises, up to date ‘myth busting’ advice and treatment will help you recover.

Tendinopathy is a term describing pain, swelling, and impaired function of a tendon. Tendons are the links between bone and muscle. Common tendons which cause discomfort are the Rotator Cuff tendons in the shoulder, the Achilles tendon in the ankle, the Gluteal tendons in the buttock and the patellar tendon in the knee. The scientific understanding of tendinopathy management has come on in leaps and bounds – Your Physiotherapist will ensure you have access to evidence based new and proven remedies.

Achilles tendon pathology is common in active people. The Achilles tendon is the thickest and strongest tendon in the body. It is made up of fibres from the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Typical symptoms and signs of Achilles tendinopathy include:

Aching (occasionally sharp) pain in the heel. Pain is aggravated by activity or pressure to the area. Stiffness in the tendon, which may occur in the morning or after a period of prolonged sitting. Not so many people have heard of the Soleus muscle but it’s importance in running related sports is huge! Your Physiotherapist will ensure you have all the correct exercises to put back that spring in your step.

Rotator cuff/shoulder strains

The Rotator cuff refers to a group of muscles that are deep beneath the powerful deltoid muscle in the upper arm / shoulder area. These muscles play an important role in the stability of the shoulder joint and they help to keep the ball of the shoulder joint in a good alignment. When these muscles become strained and injured this can lead to a loss of movement and pain which may affect everyday living. A comprehensive shoulder assessment will determine which type of shoulder issue you have so the appropriate treatment and rehabilitation can be planned.

Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis describes tendinosis (chronic symptomatic degeneration of the tendon) that affects the common attachment of the tendons of the extensor muscles of the forearm to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

It is characterised by pain affecting the region of the lateral epicondyle with radiation down the extensor (upper) aspect of the forearm.

It is exacerbated by activities that involve excessive and repetitive use of the extensor muscles of the forearm, for example strong gripping and repetitive wrist movements. Physiotherapists know the tricks to help this stubborn condition resolve quickly and to help banish it for good.

A Sprain is a stretch and/or tear of a ligament, and is classified by severity. They typically affect the ankles, knees, wrists, and thumbs.

Symptoms of a sprain typically include pain around the affected joint, tenderness, swelling, bruising, pain on weight-bearing, and decreased function. There may be joint instability (a perception of ‘giving way’) following severe injuries.

A Strain (or ‘pull’) is a stretch and/or tear of muscle fibres and/or tendon, and is classified by severity. They typically affect the foot, hamstring and back. Understanding the healing timescales of the ligament or muscle injury will ensure the Physiotherapist times your rehab perfectly getting you back playing sport or racing after the grandchildren as quickly as possible.

Plantar fasciitis is characterised by an initial insidious onset of heel pain. Intense heel pain during the first steps after waking or after a period of inactivity, with relief upon initiation of movement. Pain that reduces with moderate activity, but worsens later during the day or after long periods of standing or walking. Physiotherapy will help identify the factors causing your heel pain and help to ease the pain, restore full function and prevent recurrence.

Cervical Radiculopathy is more commonly called a trapped nerve.  A condition in which conduction is limited or blocked along a spinal nerve or its roots — causing nerve pain and sometimes altered sensation along the upper limb. There are different types of referred pains with different recognisable patterns which are treated in different ways – Your Physiotherapist will explain what is happening with your neck pain and why the treatments chosen are the right ones for you.


(OA) is the most common joint disease worldwide, affecting an estimated 10% of men and 18% of women over 60 years of age. It is estimated that 8.75 million people aged over 45 years in the UK have sought treatment for osteoarthritis. The prevalence of treatment sought for OA varies depending on the joint involved; 18% (knee), 8% (hip), and 6% (wrist and hand) of the UK population aged over 45 years, have sought treatment for osteoarthritis. Physiotherapy treatment can help ease the pains, stiffness and weakness associated with OA.

Post-operative rehabilitation

(hip/knee replacements) Operations are usually a last port of call in the rehabilitation arena but are often a life changing procedure. Physiotherapy rehabilitation is an extremely important part of the post-operative phase. Correct rehabilitation needs to be performed in order to optimise the post operative outcome. Rehabilitation protocols are researched based and created with Orthopaedic surgeon guidance. Treatment aims include, reducing swelling and pain, increasing strength and range of movement and returning the individual to optimal function.

Ergonomic & Postural assessments

We offer comprehensive assessments to help people establish pain free and sustainable working postures. With more of us now working from home we have seen a rise in ergonomic or postural related aches and pains. Muscle imbalances such as weakness or tightness in certain muscles can lead to discomfort especially if associated with prolonged poor posture. We can help you set up your desk space correctly and ensure you have the correct exercises and advice to keep you pain free during your working day.


Headaches are one of the most common health complaints seen in the medical sector. That’s why we understand that it is important to be able to treat headaches effectively and successfully. Common causes of headaches include; stress, poor posture, muscular tension in the upper back and neck, and osteoarthritis. Physiotherapy assessment and treatment will be able to not only reduce pain and tension but also establish the underlying cause of the problem.

Sports Injuries

We specialise in acute, chronic and overuse conditions which may affect any sports person from professional to a recreational participant. At Birchwood Physiotherapy we are lucky to have Physiotherapists with a wide ranging array of skills and experience from working in elite sports environments. From running injury specialists to dance, professional football, gymnastics, elite tennis, cycling, national league netball, swimming and even expedition medical teams members- the list goes on! Whether you are a weekend warrior or a professional athlete the level of care and treatment remains the same.