Pier to Pier Swim

Congratulations to all those that completed the 2021 Pier to Pier Swim this weekend. The 1.4 mile sea swim between Boscombe Pier and Bournemouth Pier is one of Europe’s largest charity swimming events. Special congratulations goes to Louis Castle, one of our patients who was delighted to achieve the full distance without any of the shoulder pains which had plagued him during training. Some focussed shoulder strengthening, mobility drills and some top tips for swimming form in the open sea worked wonders.

Raising money for The British Heart Foundation was the main goal for Louis but also trying a new challenge was key too. Whether it’s an open water swim like Louis or an organised run like the London Marathon, proper planning and preparation pay dividends in the end. A good attitude to training, a good, strong, robust, acclimatised body and oodles of perseverance and you too can smash your personal goals. We cheekily suggested he try the Round Brownsea Island swim next but secretly I think he’s got his eye on the 3,274 mile Amazon river swim 😉